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Automotive Engineering Corporation Was Listed on Several Top 100 Rankings of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region and Tianjin City in 2024

On September 10, the 2024 Top 100 Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Enterprises, Top 100 Tianjin Enterprises Conference and Digital Intelligence Empowerment Management Innovative Forum opened in Tianjin, at which the list of the top 100 enterprises, the top 100 in manufacturing industry, the top 100 in service industry in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region; the top 100 enterprises, the top 100 in manufacturing industry, the top 100 in service industry in Tianjin, as well as the list of leaders of strategic emerging industries were simultaneously announced. Thereinto, Automotive Engineering Corporation ranked 161st in the List of 2024 Top 100 Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Enterprises, 12 places ahead of the previous year; ranked 63rd in the List of 2024 Top 100 Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Service Enterprises, 7 places ahead of the previous year; ranked 61st in the List of 2024 Top 100 Tianjin Enterprises, 3 places ahead of the previous year; and ranked 28th in the List of 2024 Top 100 Tianjin Service Enterprises, 1 place ahead of the previous year.



Guided by China Enterprise Confederation and China Enterprise Directors Association and jointly hosted by Tianjin Enterprise Confederation and Tianjin Enterprise Directors Association, the event strictly complied with generally applicable regulations at home and abroad, based on the 2023 business income as the shortlisting criteria, and brought out authoritative lists after the confirmation by audit department. Since its first participation in the declaration in 2014, Automotive Engineering Corporation has been listed for 10 consecutive years, demonstrating its continuous influence and steady development trend in the industry.


Looking forward, Automotive Engineering Corporation will make active responses to coordinated development strategy in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region, utilize its professional advantages in the automobile industry, and enhance its core competitiveness in the automobile engineering technology service to give fresh impetus to the transformation and upgrading, and high-quality development of the automobile industry and support regional economic development to a higher level.